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CAPRO Nigeria at a glance

A Summary On CAPRO

Calvary Ministries, popularly known as CAPRO, which is an acronym for Calvary Productions which was her original name. CAPRO started as a spontaneous outreach to the Unreached People Groups (UPGs) of Northern Nigeria. What was meant to be a short-term outreach in Zaria City by a group of young zealous evangelists has become an International Non-denominational Missions Agency. CAPRO missionaries are known for their devotion to Jesus, commitment to the Word of God, passion for the lost, and their expectation for the Lord’s return. The missionaries believe that the fulfillment of the mandate of the mission requires sacrifice and consecration. It is to this end that the missionaries have dumped their career pursuit and ambition so that the unreached ethnic groups of the world will have the opportunity to hear about Jesus before the Lord’s return.

Who We Are

Calvary Ministries CAPRO is an indigenous, non-denominational, cross-cultural Missions Agency which began in Nigeria in 1975 with the sole aim of making disciples for our Lord Jesus Christ amongst the unreached ethnic groups in northern Nigeria, in Africa and beyond.

Vision Statement

To See indigeneous, autonomous and self-propagating community of believers formed among unreached people groups of Africa and the rest of the world.

Mission Statement

To identify the unreached people groups of Africa and the rest of the world, and in partnership with the Church, mobilize, train and send workers to preach and teach the holistic gospel of Jesus Christ until an indigenous, autonomous and self-propagating body of believers emerge.

Our Beliefs

The doctrinal basis of CAPRO shall be the fundamental truth of the Christian faith as revealed in the whole of the Holy Scriptures, including:

  1. The one eternal God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
  2. The Lordship of Jesus Christ in the life of the believer
  3. The Divine inspiration of the Bible and its final authority in all matters of faith and conduct
  4. The universal sinfulness of man which brings God’s condemnation on all men
  5. The redemption from the penalty and power of sin solely through the sacrificial death and bodily resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ
  6. The Justification of the sinner by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ alone
  7. The present day ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life. The empowering of believers by the Holy Spirit for more effective service
  8. The fellowship of all believers in the Universal Church which is the body of Christ
  9. The expectation of the personal physical return of our Lord Jesus Christ, in power and glory
  10. The eternal dwelling of the saints with God, and the eternal separation of the unbelievers from Him

Our Core Values

Love: We strive for supreme love for the Lord, expressed in love for one another and the unreached

Sacrifice: We are willing to suffer and lay down our lives for Christ

Purposefulness: We are resolute about our calling and mission to fulfil it

Evangelism: We preach the Gospel of the kingdom as the Lord’s Command for the salvation of mankind

Holiness: We pursue Godliness in all conversations giving no room for uncleanliness and worldliness

Faith: We believe in God’s faithfulness and power to see His word fulfilled and His work done

Teamwork: We build and work in effective teams for greater impact and fruits

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