GIFT (English)
The Global Institute For Transformation is a twelve month training programme designed to impart in men skills for cross-cultural missions for English speaking countries.
GIFT (Hausa)
This is a one year cross-cultural training designed to impart men with skills for those in Hausa speaking countries.
The Business Access Mission is to reveal Christ through Business. When this is done effectively, the outcome is transformational. This training is therefore designed to stimulate believers who feel call to the market place to do so by turning there business to agent for society transformation. DURATION: 20 Hours intensive Teaching Seminars and practical exposure and discussion. At the end of the Training Calvary Institute will award a certificate of Participation in the Program.
Discipleship and Mission Exposure Program is designed as a series of informal teaching, seminars and workshops on various basic Christian themes. It is practical but soundly biblical in content. The standard Programme consist of 12 contact sessions with each session being 5 hours in duration; making total contact hours of 60. A certificate of attendance is presented to participants who meet the minimum requirements for course completion.
Operation Joshua
Operation Joshua (OJ) is a short-term mission exposure to the fields where missions work is being expressed among a people group in order to stir up burdens to pray, support and mobilize resources for the missionaries and the work.
Kairos is a training that is geared towards the history of missions from Genesis to the end of Age, and bringing to God’s people the plan of God for the nations of the world concerning the Great Commission and how to be on a mission with God.
Christian Volunteer Service (CVS)
Christian Volunteer Service is a platform where a believer can grow in the faith by giving time to serve in any arm of the ministry in response to the great Commission.
Calvary Ministries (CAPRO) Nigeria strategic Plan 2022 – 2025
- Establish churches among the unreached peoples groups in their heart language
- Transform communities through holistic discipleship
- Mobilise the church for cross-cultural missions
- Train the candidates for cross-cultural missions
- Strengthen the organization’s structure and operation